Hospitals, Health Systems & Academic Medical Centers

Few sectors of the economy are as critical to domestic output, national stability, and human performance as the healthcare industry.  An area of consistent and significant focus for Wheless Partners since our founding two plus decades ago, the healthcare space remains a major specialization of our firm and an area in which we continue to invest.

We are engaged by a broad array of healthcare providers – from hospitals to health systems to academic medical centers to payer organizations to not for profit foundations – to deliver exceptional board, executive, clinical, and management leadership and human capital solutions to make a decisive impact for patients and communities.   Wheless Partners is ready – and uniquely positioned and experienced – to bring to you a slate of truly recruited “happily employed and not looking” candidates from which you can confidently pick a truly gifted leader to advance the mission of your enterprise.

We bring to your search the market-defining hiring process.  A bold statement that can be readily understood with an impact that will make you a better go forward decision-maker, today.  The process includes candidate assessment tools that render a numeric and subjective score for each candidate, and resources to effectively focus the hiring executives or search committee on the task at hand – making an outstanding hire of which all will be proud.  Promise.    

Know we do not go solely on instinct and intuition; we put candidates through the paces, rigorously comparing them against the core competencies the role demands, and assess their “fit” within your organization.  All designed reveal the true nature of the executive behind the resume.  Our firm is gifted at doing just that.

Here are comments clients shared about Wheless Partners’ proprietary candidate assessment tools:

  • They comfortably position the executives and a search committee to truly compare one candidate against another to confidently glean who is the correct candidate 
  • They provide information a resume cannot, such as insight into the candidate’s thought processes, flow of logic, problem-solving ability, and communication skills 
  • They provide valuable documentation to validate our hiring decision 
  • Wheless Partner’s candidate assessment tools allow for a truly apolitical decision-making process 
  • Our onboarding support for the new leaders’ infusion and start-up into their new role is efficient and effective


Metrics of Success 

  • +97% Access to Top Candidates – Those Proven, Happily Employed and Not Looking.  We purposely concentrate our practice on a select group of strategic clients to dramatically minimize “off-limits/client conflict” issues – which are poorly understood with their impact under-appreciated by even the savviest of executives.  Wheless delivers greater access to rare, top of the bell curve leaders, in contrast to other firms who are in many cases are hands-off to top tier candidates they have already placed within a client organization and cannot touch. This includes candidates who are already assigned to another search, and not available to you.  With our unique Portfolio Approach to the marketplace, we intentionally choose to represent no more than 3% of organizations in any given industry.  Because of this commitment, we provide clients >97% access to the best of the best.
  • High % Diversity Hires. Our team includes ethnic/gender diversity and multi-industry cross-pollination of experience, and 56% of our searches result in female or minority hires. 
  • Exceptional “Stick Rate”. Within healthcare, 96% of our firm’s placements remain in the same role for three years or more, and usually are the hires who are promoted to larger roles.


Our time tested market-defining search process makes it easy for hiring executives and search committees.  Importantly, the searches we lead are in partnership with you and can be readily customized accordingly.

We seek only passive candidates – leaders who are employed, successful, happy, and not looking.  Such leaders are actively engaged and bringing ROI to the institutions to which they are currently committed, and they make the very best candidates for our select cadre of clients, including those much-desired candidates of diversity.

Our question beyond “Describe the ideal candidate you would want to hire?” is, “Who is that ideal candidate you believe you could never get?”   We have delighted clients by bringing just such a candidate to the table, again and again.  For example, bringing US Global Special Operations leader Admiral Bill McRaven before the University of Texas System Board of Regents surprised them and resulted in McRaven taking the helm of the second-largest university and academic health system in the United States. This is further evidenced by recruiting such executives and Bill McRaven, Chuck Stokes, David Spillers, Shane Spees, and many other market-moving healthcare executives.


Partial List of Health Care Clients – Types of Searches Conducted

Partial Client List

Huntsville Health System, Market Defining Integrated Health System
Baptist Health System, Multi-Hospital System
M D Anderson, Specialty Cancer Care
UAB Health System – Tertiary Care System
University of Texas System, 2nd Largest University System in U.S.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Foundation
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Global Research 
Jacksonville Baptist Healthcare, Multi-Hospital System
Sparrow Health System, Integrated Health System
Memorial Hermann, Integrated Health System
Texas A&M University System
Memorial Hospital – Chattanooga, CHI
Methodist Health System, Integrated Health System
Johns Hopkins Health System, Academic Medicine
Stanford University Medical Center, Academic Medicine
Baptist Hospital Jacksonville, Multi-Hospital System
Singing River Health System
Southeast Alabama Medical Center
DeKalb Medical Center, Fort Payne
Phoebe Putney Health System
Carolina Health Care System
Gallup Corporation, Research, Analytics, Leadership Consultancy
Baxter International – Health Care
University of Texas System, Higher Education
Microsoft Corporation, Software, IT/IS
North Texas University System
DISH Network/EchoStar, Global Satellite Broadband Digital TV
MWH Global, Global Water, Energy & Infrastructure 
Kiewit, Construction, Engineering, Mining
Peter Kiewit Foundation, Private Independent Foundation
Greer Capital – Private Equity
Deutsche Bank, Global Financial Services
Stony Brook University, Research University
CSC, Global Business Solutions, Technology, Outsourcing 
University of California-Berkeley, Higher Education 
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Global Research 
Stanford University Medical Center, Academic Medicine 
Washington University in St. Louis, Academia, Research 
AT&T, Telecommunications, Broadband Services
Valmont Industries, International Manufacturing
Vanderbilt University, Higher Education
The University of Alabama, Higher Education
Apache Nitrogen Products, Agricultural, Mining, Industrial
ITT, Highly Engineered Industrial Products
The Home Depot, Multinational Retail Merchandising
Southern Company, Energy
Indiana University Health, Academic Medicine
Omaha’s Henry Dourly Zoo, Zoological Park, Conservation 
Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Marine Life, Education, Research 
Vail Valley Medical Center, Olympic Orthopedic Sports Clinic 
Roche, Medical Solutions, Pharmaceuticals 
Tractor Supply Company, Farm & Ranch Retail
Credit Suisse American Mining Insurance, Insurance
Hunt Consolidated, Energy, Utilities, Oil & Gas, Real Estate 
Georgia Regents University, Research, Health Sciences
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Children’s Healthcare
Macquarie Infrastructure Company Airport/Storage/Energy
Lowe’s/Destination Resorts, Resorts & Hospitality
BBVA Compass, Bank Holding Company
Red Mountain Park, Greenways, Urban Conservation
Motion Industries, Industrial MRO

Partial List of Searches

Board Director / Trustee
Chief Executive Officer
Vice President Academic Affairs
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Vice President Patient Care
Chief Pharmacy Officer
Chief Nurse Officer
Revenue Cycle Officer
General Counsel, Chief Legal Counsel
Chief Information Officer, Information Technology (CIO)
Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)
Executive Vice President (EVP), All Disciplines
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief People Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Deans, All Disciplines
Vice President Research
Vice President Engineering
Vice President for Finance & Accounting
Vice President of Supply Chain & Logistics
Chief Procurement Officer
Chief Academic Officer
Chief Talent Officer (CTO)
Chief Diversity Officer (CDO)
Chief Compliance Officer
Quality Performance & Improvement Director
Chief Quality Officer
System Director for Compensation & Benefits
Cyber Security Director
Chief Information Security Officer
Risk Management Officer
IT Director for Merchandising, Supply Chain & Marketing
Vice President for Development
Corporate Director of Accounting Environmental Health and Safety Services
Foundation President
Investor Relations & Public Relations Administrator
Strategic Planning & Business Development
Vice President Field Operations
Executive Director
Vice President of Quality Control
Corporate Director Flight Operations, Fleet Operations
Vice President of Safety
Vice President, Call Center
Corporate Banking Executives,
Regional Banking Executive
Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Senior Vice President of Acquisitions
Executive Director of Property Management
Director Risk Management 
Chief Risk Officer
Chief Pilot
And many others

Let’s today begin a dialogue as to how our Portfolio Approach and Portfolio Promise combine to uniquely position your enterprise assuring you consistently hire those proven top of the bell curve leaders.

Email to calendar a time to advance our conversation. Or phone 404.939.1305.   

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